2021 for Developers

Whenever I wrote this in the past, I always checked what I had written the year before. I checked whether I had set myself any goals, and how I had or hadn’t achieved those.


2019 was tough due to personal reasons. 2020 is better left unmentioned for a lot of reasons, and 2021, though trying very hard, did not manage to convince us, either, as years go. For most of us, it was a bad repeat of 2020. For me, it marked the end of an era. I left consulting, and this is the last article on this blog.


The one, implicit, goal was to make sure that old s_code.js article wouldn’t bubble back up to the top, ever. I met that goal. The article ended on rank 25! That is satisfying, even though it came in at 4.5 times the traffic of the lowest ranked 2021 article, Obscure References. For the latter, we all saw that coming, didn’t we?

Overall traffic went down, again. Given that I posted a meagre 15 articles, this year, I think that was utterly predictable.

I did not write anything about Platform, or any of the other new additions. I did not actually finish all the articles in my queue, either. There are still half a dozen or so that are at various points of ‘in the making’, but I won’t finish those.

So this year was slow, fair enough.

Views & Visitors over the years
For those who always wondered: this is what happens when after almost 9 years, you announce that you’re going to stop blogging:

On the 7th, I posted my Goodbye
That article is almost the best I had this year! I guess that explains why artists & bands have multiple “goodbye tours”…

What about my overall goals?

I think I have said it before: when I started in March 2013, I was unable to see what this little thing would become. I made every mistake in the book, such as blasting out content left, right, and centre with no great plan. But somehow, it survived the first wave, and, thanks to you, my dear readers, I found a rhythm, a voice, and maybe a mission.

I feel that I have reached farther than I had hoped to, and that is all that counts.

From now on, if you need something regarding the Adobe Experience Cloud or Adobe Experience Platform environment, go write it yourself 🙂

Seriously, do!

6 thoughts on “2021 for Developers

  1. Thank you Jan. I owe you more than you perhaps know. I am thankful to know you and thankful for all the knowledge you shared. I am curious where we perhaps read again from you, writing about other topics 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for taking time out of your life to create this blog. It has helped me quite a bit over the last few years as I’ve worked almost exclusively with Adobe Analytics.

    My favorite post was https://webanalyticsfordevelopers.com/2017/11/21/always-deploy-dtm-production-libraries/ as I had just come to the same conclusion a few weeks earlier and it was gratifying to see that you had the same thought as well. Maybe I wasn’t crazy after all!

    All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are nothing short of amazing, my friend! Thank you so very much for your wit, wisdom, expertise, support, substance and dedication over the years. Your carefully crafted contributions to this space – and to the wide, wild world of Web Analytics as a whole – will be sorely missed… Congrats on a successful run, and Best of Luck on all your future endeavors!!! -flandy 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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